STANDING DOWN: President Hodges will not run for a second term after being linked to a number of scandals
LSAC will hold their annual elections one week from tomorrow, after Rob Hodges- the current premiere- sought a dissolution of his committee in his weekly meeting with Loughborough supremo, George Gandy. Hodges will not be contesting for an unprecedented second term as president after scandal has marred much of his administration- with many stating that it is likely to have cost him a role as the Athletic Union President. In a short speech, President Hodges paid tribute to his "faithful team" and thanked his family for their "dedicated support". There is no question that Hodges' resignation is an act of great generosity to the people of LSAC- paving the way for a "fresh start" and a new form of "committee management".
People will not necessarily look kindly on Hodges' short tenure as committee chief. As early as his third week, it became clear that all was not as it seemed with club finances. The former Treasurer was seen to dodge a bullet when dismissing his replacement, Becky White over the cash-for-emails scandal. White was rumoured to be about to "blow the lid" on the "reckless borrowing" that had so epitomised Hodges' chancellorship. In a recent interview with a Sunday newspaper, White told of how the "dark forces of hell" were unleashed upon her when she dared to reveal that the club's deficit may be worse than first forecast.
White was at the centre of the second major issue to beset Hodges- the Red Bull fiasco. Club members were left seething when marched from their beds at 3am to officiate in a London race to "aid club funds". It was at this point that Pete Matthews attempted to launch a personal challenge to the Hodges administration with catastrophic results. Having initially indicated his support for such a move, Ian Anholm pulled the carpet from under the former GB International's (Mountain Running) feet at the last moment- throwing Hodges a lifeline. Approval ratings may well have dipped, but November's dismissal of the aforementioned White (after an expose from the Lufbra Echo) served to pacify the masses who were demanding the President's resignation.
Alas, Hodges will forever be linked to the "darkest days ever to haunt the club" in the debacle that was kit-gate. The key reason why any Matthews presidency would have been untenable was bubbling beneath the surface and stunned the sporting world in February. Whispers had been circulating for days that the kit would not arrive in time for the BUCS Cross Country and it was finally confirmed just 24 hours before the event. The late announcement forced many to shriek 'cover up', but in truth Hodges could hardly be blamed. His mistake was a stubborn refusal to apoloise for the gaffe and hope that the club would move on. As it was, the weeks ticked by and the kit did not arrive- culminating in its non-appearance at the BUCS Outdoors- a nightmare for any President or Kit Secretary. The resignation of Kieran Flannery did not suffice and it became clear to Hodges that electoral defeat was inevitable.
President Hodges took over in extraordinary times and it is fair to say that the Kingston-upon-Hull man made the best of what he had. Medals at BUCS Cross and convincing victories at both the Outdoor and Indoor events will perhaps serve as some comfort. However, as many campaign to "clean up Committee", Hodges will be inextricably linked to the former, dirty politics. Whether that is fair or not is for history to judge, but a clearly emotional Hodges perhaps summed up his plight this afternoon, "I did what I thought was right". Many will question him, many will point to shabby displays at all-you-can-eat contests, to allegations that he took his eye of the ball- but no one can doubt his conviction and determination to do his best for a truly great club.
The Echo will of course be covering the Elections in detail and would like to re-iterate it's position of neutrality. No one candidate in any position will be backed*. You can rely on us for independent and decisive coverage to help you make up your mind.
* Subject to change. Terms and Conditions apply. All donations will be considered.