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Sunday 14 November 2010


Haile Gebrselassie has sensationally revealed the real reasons behind his shock retirement from athletics last weekend. The 27 times world record holder has told the Lufbra Echo that Kenenisa Bekele and his brother Tariku have become "entirely unworkable". Speaking just days after dropping out at 16 miles of the New York Marathon, the Ethiopian blamed a "relentless torrent" of Facebook abuse from the elder brother for his dismal showing and ultimate withdrawal. "It was on my mind all the way through and I haven't slept in months," sobbed the usually upbeat star "Ken kept tagging me in status updates saying that I was past it and Tariku has deleted me altogether."

Gebrselassie told of how "countless stars" had been in contact "begging" him to reconsider. "I've had Brendan [Foster] and Paula [Radcliffe] on Twitter saying that they much prefer me to them," said the first man to break 2:04 for the marathon "but I am not sure I can take Kenenisa hiding my spikes anymore - it's just too much". It is understood that Gebrselassie will be writing a "reveal all" memoir early next year, where he will blow the lid on the "scandalous" behaviour going on at Ethiopian training sessions.

"Kenenisa is very moody indeed," sighed the great man "one day he would be fine with you and then the next he would be upset because Arsenal lost." The younger Bekele is also rumoured to "hate" anyone who speaks ill of his brother. "I once beat Ken in a tempo run and Tariku completely lost it with me," said Gebrselassie "he pushed me on the ground drove off in his BMW X5. Later on he hacked into my Facebook and dumped my wife." Gebrselassie also said that the Ethiopian authorities were "powerless to do anything" about the increasing control exercised by the brothers. "Everyone is terrified of them. Even the Government is scared; not one member of the family pay taxes - it really is awful".

No one from the Bekele camp was available for comment this evening, but the Echo has been told to "expect a strongly worded email" from the family solicitors early next week.