HAPPIER TIMES: Isinbayeva declared her love for the pole as recently as last year
The World Record holder for the women's pole vault has not resumed competition this season after an argument with her pole, the Lufbra Echo can reveal. Yelena Isinbayeva has "not even looked" at her pole since it badly let her down at the back end of last season. In an exclusive interview, the Russian told of how the pole simply "wasn't giving anything back anymore." "Everyone knows I always speak to it [the pole]," said a tearful Isinbayeva, "well in that event [IAAF World Athletics Final], it just wasn't behaving like normal. It's almost as if it had something to hide."
Insiders at the Russian Federation of Athletics described an "almighty row" between Isinbayeva and her equipment after "no heighting" at the Berlin World Championships. An anonymous ex-KGB source said, "Yelena was furious. She spent several hours ranting and raving at the pole. There was no reply. In the end, I think she smashed a bottle of vodka over it." Close friends of the star are said to be "gravely concerned" at the recent developments. A neighbour said, "we have asked her to seek counselling to try and build bridges, but she won't. She seems so upset since it all happened." Another close friend revealed that the issues had been underlying for sometime. "It's so sad," revealed the now exiled Russian spy, "they seemed so happy together- but there have been problems. I know that Yelena had some doubts about the pole's fidelity after reading some texts."
Other vaulters have been known to have issues with their poles. British number one, Steve Lewis recently courted criticism after deciding to part company with his. Lewis informed his pole of the split via email and many Loughborough insiders have said that this was unfair. "Steve just upped sticks and left," said a senior aide to Ian Anholm, "I think he was upset after the Loughborough International. As you can imagine, the pole and everyone else has taken it badly."
Meanwhile, Isinbayeva has said that she "does not know" when she will be back competing. "It's like I am in limbo" said the multi-millionaire, "I can't bring myself to move on and find another pole yet. There might be some hope- maybe we can get back together. I don't know- the ball is in his [the pole's] court."