Charles Van Commenee has been forced to appear on live television in a ridiculous hat after losing a bet with athletics guru, George Gandy. The hat (pictured above) was described by one UKA official as “the most laughable garment ever made” and Van Commenee was less than delighted at having to get through the already tortuous interview with the BBC's Phil Jones wearing it. “Charles bet George that he could not eat his entire helping of paella,” revealed an insider, “Gandy promptly downed the lot in less than 10 minutes and still had room for dessert.” It is understood that had Gandy lost the bet, he would have had to have watched Lisa Dobriskey’s race wearing an “I LOVE JAMAL” t-shirt.
UKA Chief Execuitve Niels De Vos is unlikely to look kindly on the antics of the pair, after having to apologise for a string of pranks that culminated in Ian Stewart spending the night in a police cell at the World Indoors earlier in the year. “We will do all we can to ensure that everything is professional,” said the arriving chief this morning, “we are here to watch athletics and not have fun.”